장지연이1907년 발행한대한신지지는대한강역고와함께그의대표적인 지리학 저술로 꼽을 수 있다. 그러나 선행연구에서는 근대적 한국지리의 내용체계를 갖추었다는 의미 외에는 해당 문헌에 대한 진전된 논의가 진행되지 못하고 있는데, 이는 대한신지지가 한국신지리(田淵友彦, 博文館, 1905)를 참고했다는단정 때문이다. 이같은 주장이면에는 두문헌간목차의 유사점만을 언급하고 있어, 실질적인 내용의참조유무및 변별성등을 확인하기 어렵다. 본고에서는 근대 인문지리학서로서 대한신지지의 특징과 의미에 대해 살펴보기위해, 2장에서한국신지리와의비교를시도했다. 「인문지리」편을 중심으로각기다른서술분량과소재, 논조등을통해편찬의식의차별성을 확인해보고자했다. 두 문헌에서살펴볼 수있는동일국가에 대한지리서술 의차별점은한일양국이서구의근대지리학을수용하는과정과지리학에대한 관점 및 활용목적 등에서 근본적인 차이가 있었기 때문으로 보았다. 3장에서는 두 국가의 근대 지리학의 수용의 과정과 당시 기관지(학회지)에 발표되었던 지리학 관련 기사들을 검토하며 대한신지지와의 영향관계를 분석하였다. 더불어 대한자강회월보에 실렸던 「지리」기사와의 내용분석을 통해, 대한신지지의 「인문지리」편에 대한 특징 및 출전 등을 확인하고 사료적 가치를 논의하였다.
Daehansinjiji, which was published by Jang Jiyeon in 1907, is one of his representative geographical writings along with Daehangangyeokgo. Previous studies have not carried out advanced discussions on Daehansinjiji except that Daehansinjiji possesses the system of modern Korean geography for organizing content. That is due to their conclusion that Daehansinjiji referred to hanguksinjiri. The argument mentioned only the similarities in each table of contents, but didn’t clearly demonstrate whether a book is practically referenced to the other book or whether there are any differences. This paper attempts to compare Daehansinjiji and hanguksinjiri in Chapter 2, looking at the characteristics and significances of Daehansinjiji as a modern human geography book. Focusing on the "Human Geography" chapter of the two books, this paper confirms the differentiation of compilation intent by checking different quantities, materials, and tones. The difference in geographical descriptions about the same country, which can be seen in the two books, was because Korea and Japan had fundamental differences in their process of accepting Western modern geography and in their perspective or purpose of using geography. Chapter 3 examines the acceptance process of modern geography between the two countries and the geographical articles published in the journals at the time in order to analyze their influencing relationship with Daehansinjiji. In addition, by comparing the article titled Jiri in Daehanjaganghoewolbo, this paper probes the characteristics and references of the "Human Geography" in Daehansinjiji and presents its values as historical materials. This work is anticipated to be prerequisite to reviewing the relationship between Daehansinjiji and his other historical writings, and to be an important foundation in studying the formation of early modern academic disciplines